Saturday, January 24, 2009

Mega Ton Update

All hail lord Intertron, bringer of new web services!
While you quiver in fear from him, I must pay tribute and update my websites, do my taxes, kick a puppy, and run through my quasi annual technology catch up.

So while you were reading that paragraph, I updated my:
Home Page
Stat Page

And I did some catching up:
Rosenpig on Facebook

Still on my to do list:
Shop Cafe Press


Dan szilagyi said...

sweet! i'm adding you to my links mr.white!

Aaron said...

Excellent, if I remember correctly you have quite the collection!

Dan szilagyi said...

haha yes i do! though i'm always trying to add new cool ones :)

TH3DEN said...

Man that has got to be the coolest bike i have ever seen!! Ditto for ridable art. :D Your work is amazing. Love those owls.